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Avoiding Risks of the Blue Screen


There are a few situations no computer user ever wants to be in, and the one that’s perhaps most recognizable – and feared – is known as the Blue Screen of Death, or BSoD.

Common Sources of Viruses on a Computer


There are a few well-known threats to computers and laptops out there, and one of the single most common is the computer virus.

Deciding Between Computer Repair


Has your computer been dealing with performance issues or damage recently? In many of these instances, device owners will need to choose between whether to repair the item or simply replace

Immediate Steps to Take Upon New Laptop Purchase


If you’ve recently purchased a new laptop, chances are you’re very excited about getting it home and working with it. However, it’s important to ensure you’ve taken the proper initial steps to protect your laptop from potential threats, including viruses, performance issues and more

Phone Virus Signs, Types and Removal Methods


While they originally became well-known due to their impact on computers and laptops, viruses have found a new additional source of prey in the last couple decades:

Purchasing a Laptop as a College Student


Another key theme of college life is limited ability to charge devices in some settings, so you need a strong battery in your laptop. You should be looking for one that will last at least 10 hours during normal operations.

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